Our Services

  • All
  • Brand
  • Digital
  • Print
Research and

Fresh knowledge of your business, the market, competitors and brand to meet your marketing objectives. Our fast research methods deliver a valuable insight.


A well-defined long-term marketing plan to develop the brand and achieve your goals. Brand communication strategy to give you a major edge in the market.


Inventive, impactful design to represent the brand exactly. We consider every aspect of the brand’s outward expression and presentation in each visual format.


A clear guide to your brand and its communication. We outline how the brand should be applied in order to achieve a strong message and consistent image.


Full management of online and offline advertising. We maximise your ROI with creative, effective campaigns, designed to increase conversion rates.


Never underestimate the power of words to connect with your customers. From product descriptions that pop, to SEO copy, blog posts and beyond, we can give you cut through.


Creative, ultra-functional and responsive website design. Our passion for big ideas and little details creates stunning, interactive digital experiences.

Web Design

Starting a new online business or making changes to an existing website? We have the tools and technical know-how to help take care of every aspect of online selling.


We provide analysis and insight into digital marketing. Strategies, tactics and knowledge to help you get the most out of digital media campaigns.


We create campaigns to keep customers coming back time and again. From hand-coding html, to email deliverability and post-campaign analytics, we have it covered.

Social Media

Let us help you to make the most of this powerful marketing medium. Strategy, design, implementation and ongoing management of social media channels.


Search Engine Optimisation to improve website visibility and online prominence. Pay-Per-Click campaigns to increase web traffic and profit for our clients.


Design and production for every type of print collateral. Specialising in good, old-fashioned formats with an up-to-the-minute creative twist.


In this competitive market, it’s essential that your direct mail really stands out. We are bursting with ideas that will capture the imagination of your customers.


Our leading edge design, production and marketing for brochures and catalogues will increase response rates, maximise sales and reduce production costs.

and POS

Show-stopping designs and attention grabbing point of sale material. From exhibition stands to pop-ups and all things promotional.

  • Research and
  • Brand
  • Brand
  • Brand
  • Exhibition
    and POS
  • Web
  • E-Commerce
    Web Design
  • Digital
  • E-mail
  • Social Media
  • SEO and PPC
  • Advertising
  • Copywriting
  • Print
  • Direct
  • Catalogue
Jeanette Aspinall
Jeanette Aspinall Managing Director

Working with a great bunch of people is what I value most. Life is about doing something you enjoy and grabbing the opportunities that come along.

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Kim Sewell
Kim Sewell Creative Director

I seek to learn new things every day, I’m inquisitive and I’m not afraid to criticise myself. Technology is evolving all the time - evolve with it.

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Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright Operations Director

"Inveniam viam aut faciam" - I will find a way or make one.

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Charlotte Prescott
Charlotte Prescott Copy and Content Director

“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” – Jonah Sachs

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James Riley
James Riley Account Manager

My Motivation is to be creative and have fun. You want to do something that keeps you on your toes for the rest of your life and keeps you busy." – Kris Jenner

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Richard Glover
Richard Glover Marketing Manager

“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

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Jordan Rashbrook
Jordan Rashbrook Account Executive

Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” - Carrie Fisher

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Angelina Slane
Angelina Slane Senior Artworker

“You're mad, bonkers, completely off your head, but I'll tell you a secret... all of the best people are.” – Alice in Wonderland

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Chels Robinson
Chels Robinson Designer

"Create with the heart, build with the mind" – Criss Jami

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Katrina Tran
Katrina Tran Designer

“To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller

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Lewis Jarvis
Lewis Jarvis Designer

"Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it." - Salvador Dali

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Andrea Arnold
Andrea Arnold Executive Associate

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

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Marlon Lavanda
Marlon Lavanda Developer

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard" – Tim Notke

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Jay Cartwright
Jay Cartwright Senior Designer

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought." – Albert Einstein.

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Josh Burley
Josh Burley Operations Manager

"Don’t play the occasion, play the game." - Sir Alex Ferguson

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Zac Minev
Zac Minev Designer

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Pop round, phone, email or Tweet us – we would love to hear from you.

Jet Design & Marketing Ltd

A 81 Newton Street, Manchester M1 1EX T 0161 236 4617 F 0161 237 5224

General Enquiry
If you just want to say hello, ask us a question or arrange to drop by - it's all good, so please get in touch. hello@jetdesignandmarketing.co.uk
Start a Project
Do you have a project we could help with? You do? Get started right away with our project planner or simply send us an email so we can get on board. project@jetdesignandmarketing.co.uk
We love to work with like-minded, talented people. If you want to show us what you're made of, please send your CV/portfolio to us here. careers@jetdesignandmarketing.co.uk
Oh and we're a social bunch too...

Project Planner

Interested in working with us? Fill out this quick and easy form and we’ll get started on a quote for you. Not into filling out forms online?
Contact us direct by email or on 0161 236 4617.

The Basics

The Project

Strategy Brand Identity Print Design Web Design Email Marketing Facebook App Direct Mail Other

Describe your project, concept or idea

Approximate Budget

<£5k £5-10k £10-15k £15k+